Maintenance Questions?
Please select the issue you are troubleshooting from the drop-down menu. The Probable Cause of your issue and suggested Corrective Actions will be shown. If this does not solve your issue, please contact our engineering team or by phone to discuss your problem.
You can download our Pump Troubleshooting Guide and LARS Mechanical Seal Troubleshooting Guide to review all options. Our complete Installation and Maintenance Manual is also available via the link below along with videos showing how to complete standard wear part replacement and seal rebuilding.
The Pump Troubleshooting Guide is for troubleshooting the pump itself including pump flow, noise, oil contamination of the gear housing or quench chamber, and temperature issues. LARS Mechanical Seal Troubleshooting Guide is for troubleshooting a LobePro Affordable Rebuildable Seal (LARS).
LobePro also suggests that all customers have diagnostic and repair tools on hand for working on our Pumps. Pump repair tools are available from LobePro, while other diagnostic tools should be purchased from your normal tool vendor. Please see CE manual Section 9 for a complete list of pump repair tools.