2 GM 34 LobePro Rotary Pumps, 7.5 HP, 500 RPM
100 GPM @ 400 RPM @ 100’ TDH
A Florida concrete manufacture has used LobePro Rotary Pumps in three plants to assist them in the making of concrete.
Job Description:
Don Justice, contractor for the concrete company began to investigate alternatives to using expensive city water to mix their DOT concrete. Their concrete production requires is 50 to 100 gpm. They were looking for a simple solution to their problem. LobePro Rotary Pumps provide that solution. By using one skid mounted GM34 LobePro Rotary Pumps, the concrete company was able to utilize all the water that was available from their existing well. They used a 3” swan neck pipe to handle the suction lift.
LobePro currently has pumps in three plants. They have saved enough money by not using city water that the concrete company has decided to continue the conversion with their other nine plants.